


Between the president of university and the husband of home
  • 작성자
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  • 조회134

When my wife getting ready to move, 

she said, "You should come to me as my husband, not as president of the university."  

when I heard her,  suddenly I  remembered my late mother.

 I remembered praying in a hospital bed when someone else's mother was sick, 

 but I couldn't go when my mother was sick. 

Even on holidays, I remembered a time when I had to come out first because of early morning prayers.

 When her son visits Korea from the United States once a year, the mother only sees the back of his son, not his face. 

Since I became the university president ,

 these are the moments when I couldn't live as a husband even though I didn't give up on becoming  a husband. 

 Because of doing as role, I had to leave my sick wife at home alone and to spend time with  students at Pocheon. 

 Now I'm no longer a pastor, 

but an office worker who lives on the university’s schedule. Even during breaks, my heart is full of university work.

 In the ministry of pastoring, I have been keeping the balance and it was my pride.

 but now I can see my broken balance on the way of university president.

In order to learn new knowledge as a university president, 

the books I read are not a new light of inspiration for me, 

 but seems like a language that is difficult for an old learner who learns late to understand.

I had to eat the same dinner box repeatedly at the president's reception for a week to greet the graduates, 

and it challenges me because I had a habit of not eating the same side dishes twice since childhood. 

 I found out why I should preach a different messages to each department graduates, not the same message. 

The line between congratulatory speech and sermon has become blurred, but now these two lines seem to merge.

Tomorrow is my moving day, but I have to go to a breakfast prayer meeting at the university across from Seoul at dawn as university president. 

So I want to tell wife,  I haven't given up on being a husband, 

Please!!   wait a few years....
